Home Job/opportunities NJFP Salary Payment For October Update 2022

NJFP Salary Payment For October Update 2022

by Soloinformer
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NJFP Salary Payment For October Update 2022

NJFP Batch A salary for October is set to commence. The competitive Nigeria Jubilee Fellowship Program has come to stay. The salary will serve as incentive and way of encouraging the fellows to put in their best in their matched organization.

The payment will cover up to 2,130 batches A that have been match lately. The fellows for the NJFP program will be paid 100,000 naira monthly for the period of 12 months commencing in October. This was made known in the zoom meeting that was held on 17th October 2022 being Monday.

NJFP fellows of the batch A were matched across the various organization and industries. There were charged to be focused in the industries of their host. Nigeria Jubilee Fellowship Program also said there will be strict monitoring. Absenteeism will not be condoned and the fellow can also risk disqualification if they neglect their place of assignment.

The first batch of the program batch A graduates have started their skills in financial services, trade, manufacturing, agro- processing, mining, technology, education, health, research, telecommunications, public health institution and other selected aspect.

Batch A fellows of over 2100 graduates have begun skills relating to financial services, trade, manufacturing, agriculture and agro-processing, mining, telecommunications, creative industries and technology, education, health, research and development, and public sector institutions.

October Salary will be paid directly to the fellow account, host organization will not interfere in the process. Host organizations are urged to clear fellows before payment will be initiated


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A total of 20,000 graduates will be placed in both private and public sectors across industries and will be paid N100, 000 for a duration of 12 calendar months

Batch A of over 2,000 fellows has started, NJFP will in no distant time shortlist and match the second batch of 20,000 graduates across Nigeria.

A competitive selection process will be used to collect 20,000 fellows for one year of service and only 5,000 will be retained as contained in the visual meeting.

We are going to keep up updated on latest information regarding the second and third batch of the program. Be warn of giving any money to anyone in form of help because the program is free.

for more information visit HERE

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