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7 Secrets of Passing ICAN Exam

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7 secrets of passing ican

7 Secrets of Passing ICAN Exam

7 secrets of passing ICAN exam are very useful. The Institute of the charted accountant of Nigeria is a professional body. They coordinate and certified any member of the accounting profession. Over the years the body has been so disciplined and outstanding.

Any graduate of accounting that wants to go far must ensure to pass the professional exams. Because the certification gives you the license to practice. Most students have a degree in accounting but find it difficult to pass the ICAN exam.

This article is put together to reveal the secret of how students can pass their exams without stress. The exam is conducted twice every year. The exam is put into two diets to allow more members to have access to materials.

Over time students complain of the difficult nature of the question not knowing that the exams are as simple as any other exam. The question is, are the student’s preparation enough to make them pass the exams?

Unlike other courses in the university, accounting is viewed as a professional course. The exam can be written by non-accounting students. But before a non-accounting student writes the exam he/she must pass through the least level.

The possibility of passing an ICAN depends on the brilliant performance of the students. It is based on merit that one passes the exam. The exam gives a lot of space to students in other to prepare very well and come out with flying colors.

Every year the exam records a high number of students. The profession is gathering a lot of importance because of the high demand. Over time people who have made desperate attempts to bring the standards down were kicked out as early as possible.

The major setback in the exam is the cost of the examination. Not everyone can afford the price tag attached to the exam. Because the exam comprises different phases and diets. If a candidate fails a particular course in a diet he/she is expected to register again.

This article is specially designed to help students improve on their exams. Make them perform excellently in their various diets and papers. The basic exams and professional level are both very important.

Early Preparation

One of the major factors that determine performance in exams is early preparation. ICAN is an exam that involves a lot of time and preparation. The exam is not for lazy students as it involves serious attention.

Most baby accountant always makes the mistake of preparing very late. The exam is a broad one, thus it requires a lot of time and energy. The preparation involves registration and possibly paying the exam fee on time to enable you to prepare on time.

Any student that wants to excel in an exam should try possible best to calm down and do the needful. There is no shortcut to passing ICAN. Early preparation can also involve getting the necessary materials and study packs.

Making inquiries about the exam from either friends or a loved senior colleague is very important in passing the examination. In a nutshell, the student should try as possible to get the necessary information on time to avoid had I known.

Finish Study Packs

Study packs are very important. It gives a clear vision and directions as to what the exam is all about. It is very difficult to pass ICAN without going through study packs. It is a manual that guides and unravels difficult problems to questions.

Some involve calculations and some are theoretical. The packs provide the answers to calculations. You can as well test your knowledge with other related materials that can help you in solving the problem.

Most students fail the exam because of the wrong materials used for the examination. If materials are misused, the probability of passing the exam becomes very hard. The students should be acquainted with the exam pattern.

Nobody goes into examination to fail. That is why is very important to take note of the 7 secrets of passing ICAN before going into the examination. Because the exam is not always juicy the better you study the packs the better for you.

Attend ICAN Classes 

Attending ICAN classes is one of the major secrets of passing the ICAN exam without hitches. Normal account classes can also help but it is very important to attend a special lesson that is solely made for ICAN students.

The class can expose the students to questions that prove simple but difficult. For every question, there is always a way to handle the question. Most of the questions can be calculated and it involves format and not general knowledge.

Some student thinks their knowledge is just enough for them. But the truth is that no one has a monopoly on knowledge. classes arranged for ICAN students have improved their performance of students in the exam.

Never neglect the power and importance of ICAN classes. Many chartered accounts have given testament to how the special classes have helped them greatly. The classes with a competent tutor will help guide students on the best possible ways to answer questions.

Remove Attention Driven Events

Try as much as possible to remove anything you thinks takes your attention from the exams. The main focus is to pass the exam with the absolute best and excellent performance.

If you want to pass ICAN exams in your first sitting, you must study the past questions. This is also very important and it must be incorporated as an important aspect of your study period.

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 Studies have shown that over 70% of students who studied past questions passed ICAN exams at the first sitting.

 Studying the past questions would help you in the following ways:

 You would be able to understand the structure of the exam questions and how to go about answering them.

 Past questions would reveal the different types of questions involved and how much time is necessary to spend on each question.

 One of the important things in studying past questions are the answers provided to each question. These are answers from people who know what it takes to pass ICAN exams.

 From the answers, you would have a pretty good idea of what examiners expect from students as far as answering the questions is concerned.

 You can time yourself: in ICAN exams, timing is very important. If you use more than the allotted time on some sections, you are likely going to be left with a pile of unanswered questions.

 One of the best ways to pass your ICAN exams is to stick to time. Your past questions can help you practice timing. Answer the questions with a timer.

Careful study of the pattern in the exams are set would reveal the likely questions to come. This way, you would know what part of the syllabus to dedicate more time to while studying.

These are just some of the benefits of studying past questions. So make sure you don’t neglect this part of your journey to an ICAN-certified accountant.

 Get enough sleep on the eve of the exam

If you start your preparation early enough, getting enough sleep on the eve of the exam shouldn’t be a problem.

 Many students make the mistake of staying late at night (or waking up early in the morning after a few hours of sleep) to do some last-minute studying. That is wrong. On the Eve of the exam, what you should be doing is light revision.

Never allow sleep to ruin your hard-earned study. Because the exam body will never give you time to give the explanation that you slept off during the examination. So make sure to get enough sleep before the exam time.

 Try and Maintain Calm Spirit

If you sense danger coming on exam day, do whatever it takes to calm down. Panic and nervousness would simply make you forget everything you studied.

One way to be calm during the exam proper is to make sure you arrive at the exam venue very early and get used to the environment. You can pray or meditate before the exam to ease your jangling nerves.

 Start with Multiple-choice questions.

The thing about multiple-choice questions is that they are generally easy to answer. Apart from that, starting with them would help ease you into the exam groove.

Also, multiple-choice questions would give you tips on how to answer the longer theoretical questions. They would refresh your mind on some of the things you read while studying.

Never waste all your time on multiple choice questions. The time allocated to the multiple-choice question should be effectively utilized. Make sure answers are ticked correctly and appropriately in other to avoid errors.

 Answer all the Questions

Try as much as possible to answer all the questions you are asked to. Normally, you are required to answer a certain number of questions for each section from the theory part of the examination.

Attempt the number of questions you are asked by all means. Even if you don’t know the answer, try and write something reasonable.

Since there won’t be deductions for bad answers, make sure you answer all the questions. Skipping questions will not help. You might guess the answer correctly instead of leaving the space to be very blank.

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