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10 Best Female Footballers in Otukpo

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10 Best Female Footballers in Otukpo

10 Best Female Footballers in Otukpo

10 best female footballers in Otukpo are very important. Female football is very exciting. The origin of female football in otukpo can be traced back to the early competition organized by a first-class chief. The development of male football is instrumental to the development of female football.

When people discovered how important football is to community integration, they started investing in female football. Grass root sport is very essential for uniting people of different backgrounds and different beliefs.

Since the inception of otukpo Local government, female football has not been taken into serious consideration until people started seeing its importance. In present-day dispensation, people gather in large to watch the game.

When female football started in otukpo Benue state, it was funny and exciting with the way those female footballers plays the game. Sometimes they used their hand to play with the ball which is against the ethics and rules of the game.

Later the game started developing and people started making fortune out of it. The rationale behind female football is to encourage women with skills and adequately annexed this skill into football. Female football has taken many women from the street.

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Female football is getting better attention and it should be taken very seriously. Gone are the days when people decide to push female sports aside. It has gathered a lot of momentum and attraction from different corners.

The criteria for rating female footballers are the same as that for male football. The selection process for female footballers is done by a group of judges drawn across various districts. Pundits and journalists across the local government gather to vote for their best player every year.

Voting for the best player is also done by the coach of different clubs in the local government. The individual performance also matters in the selection process. The number of goals scored, assists and successful dribbles, and the number of trophies won.

The individual players must show excellent performance and determination in other for their names to appear on the list. Developing female football is not easy but in the current situation, it has gathered a lot of debate from different corners.

Otukpo female footballers are making it very well in the world of football. The football world is watching critically to harvest a lot of talents for both Europe and football heavy-weight countries. Football scouts visit the local government time without a number to look for great talent.

This article will discuss vividly the best ten female footballers ever produced in otukpo Benue state. The list is drawn from the entire community that made up the local government area. This list is devoid of partiality and favoritism.


Aladi is one of the 10 best female footballers in Otukpo. She is a veteran striker. She plays for Adoka united. Aladi was born and brought to Adoka center. She plays an important role in the emergence of adoka united as a league leader. Her style of play is quite different from other female footballers.

She is 22years with a lot of ambition and determination. She rules her world with great talent and resilience. She portrays a high standard and shows her teammate how to be committed to the game. Aladi is the best in female football she standout to be the best.

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During the award ceremony, she scaled very high among her equals and mate. She places value on the team winning. Her proficiency in front of goals makes her an excellent player. The team from year to year relies on her for the trophy.

Aladi pulled 4,453 votes to emerge winner of the just concluded female football award. Her presence on the team brings the defender to stand still. She is tall and elegant an attribute that makes her a stand-out player.

Outside football, Aladi has won the humanitarian award. Her passion for community development is very unique. She has constructed covets in her village for the drainage system. She is ever ready to learn and ever prepared to take instructions from her coach.

Aladi is a utility player that can play from any angle. Sometimes she is deployed as a winger any time there is a shortage of wingers on the team. No wonder an excellent performance has earned her the number one spot on the log.

Ada Inalegwu

Ada Inalegwu is a player to watch. Her pretty nature shows on the pitch. She is a clever play and industrious to the core. Her possessive style of football makes her a very good midfielder. She has accurate passes and good tackles.

She is instrumental to her club’s success. She plays alongside Aladi of Adoka united. Aladi is the captain of Adoka united. She has won many awards in her capacity as a midfielder. In total, she scored 12 goals and 14 assists for the season. She is of no doubt one of the 10 best female footballers in Otukpo.

She hails from Onyagede Awume in Ohimini Benue state. Her style of football is exceptional. She graves for assistance and goals. Her excellent way of ball control is one to none. People gather to watch her because of her dazzling skills.

The 21-year-old onyagede born finished her secondary school education at Ibrahim Memorial College. She proceeded to adoka after she was selected during the all secondary school game. Her prolific shots on the ball pose great challenges to different keepers.

Maria Okpe

Maria okpe is born 1n 1998. She rose to prominence in female football in her early junior secondary school game and she gained the support of many journalists. Her father is a football player. She has been to many trails across the state.

She is a veteran winger. She plays as a left-winger. Her speed Is what gives her an advantage. Maria Okpe idolizes Martha of Brazil. Aladi Okpe plays for Ugboju queen. A team built around her. The team is tactically good and with a very tender squad.

Aladi Okpe finished the season with 14 goals to her name. she is instrumental to her finishing second on the log. She was born and raised in Ogoli Ugboju. She spent her secondary school life playing football. She has proved that making it in football is possible because of her humble background.

She pulled a total of 3211 votes to emerge as the 3rd best female player in otukpo. Her parents testify of her hard work and training. She is always fit and ready to play football at all costs. She sees anything round as a ball.

Anthonia Omale

Anthonia Omale is born in 1996. She is a good defender that has kept many clean sheets during the league season. Her central defense role makes it very hard for strikers to penetrate. Her brilliance at the back gives the keeper more confidence.

Anthonia omale is born to a family of seven. Her three sibling plays football. But she is outstanding among all her siblings. She is called the bulldozer because of her defensive power and her clearance rate on the field.

She pulled a total of 1134 votes to emerge as the fourth-best football in Otukpo Benue State. Her defense still makes her outstanding. She is referred to as a no-nonsense player both on the pitch and outside the pitch.

Maggi John

Maggi john plays for Akpa stars. She is a very good player. She finishes as the season 3rd highest goal scorer. She is a striker. She made 27 appearances for his club. Maggi John is referred to as a favorite girl. She can make goal chances and conversions.

She pulled a total sum of 1023 votes to emerge as the 5th best player produced in otukpo Benue State. Her brilliance made her team finish 4th on the league table. She is an experienced player capable of reading difficult games.

Achetu Agada

Achetu Agada is born and raised in ogobia Benue State. Her level of play is very unique. She is a keeper with many saves. She plays for upu united. She has kept 10 clean sheets during the season as a goalkeeper.

She is very young and elegant. She has represented the local government in various competitions and has won many trophies for the zone c senatorial district of Benue state. She pulled a total sum of 8232 votes to emerge as the 6th best player in otukpo Benue state.

Grace Peter

Grace peter emerged as the 7th best player on the list. She plays a very vital role to keep her team in the team. She couldn’t start the season because of injury. When she came back her team almost went into the relegation zone.

With her performance, she was able to turn the table and make good use of the real opportunity to pull her club out of the relegation zone. She is very young and energetic. She finished the season with 12 goals to her name. She is one of the 10 best female footballers in Otukpo.

Blessing Jeremiah

Blessing Jeremiah plays for Eupi. She is so good that they call he feminine okocha. She has won many league titles with her team. Although the season did not end well for her, she managed to score 8 goals.

Uka john

Uka John plays for rice mill queens. She plays as a defender. She kept 8 clean sheets throughout the season and made good defensive power works. She pulled a total of 6324 votes to finish 9th on the list of female footballers. Uka John is one of the 10 best female footballers in Otukpo.

Adejo Sandra

Adejo Sandra plays for upu united. She has made her mark by clinching the fair play award. Although she is a substitute player, she is very volatile in the field of play. She pulled a total of 4532 votes to complete the list of 10 best players in otukpo Benue state.

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