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7 Ways Education Has Transformed Ugbokolo

by Soloinformer
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7 Ways Education Has Transformed Ugbokolo

7 Ways Education Has Transformed Ugbokolo

7 ways education has transformed Ugbokolo in Okpokwu Local government is very necessary. Education has transformed the lives of people in Ugbokolo. The fact is that since western education was introduced it has shaped the life of the community.

Like the saying, education is the solid rock of any community. Education impacts both the physical and the level of intellectual capability of society. The foundation of every home is purely built on the level of educational standard.

Far back when there was no form of school in the community life has been primitive. The coming of the missionaries contributes a lot to the development of the community. Western education was brought by the coming of the missionaries.

Before the coming of the school, pupils were traveling very far to attend school. Most time the students are exposed to danger. Some of the students are exposed to harsh weather conditions. The learning environment has not been friendly.

Ugbokolo is one of the largest local governments in Benue State. It has a big landmass with a large population. The community has been clamoring for a better until the government came to their aid with the establishment of a community primary school. In the build-up to the establishment of the primary school, the secondary school followed immediately.

The coming of the secondary school brought a lot of excitement to the face of the masses. Children who could not go far have the privilege of attending school at their doorstep.

Education changed the life and well-being community. It is at this backdrop that many are not exposed. The illiteracy level has been reduced to a minimum. Youth thinks positively and the rate of innovation has increased drastically.

This article is designed to look at the 7 ways education has transformed Ugbokolo Benue state. When you look critically at the transformation of Ugbokolo it is crystal clear that education contributes more than one-quarter of the development of Ugbokolo.

Reduction of Illiteracy

One of the major contributions of education in Ugbokolo is the reduction of illiteracy. Before the coming of education in the local government, the masses were languishing in illiteracy and ignorance. Illiteracy has turned many youths into social vices.

The community can boast of an educated elite that can make an informed decision. Ugbokolo now boosts professor and associate professors. Knowledge is a vital tool in enhancing human power and liberating people from the oppression of the western world.

The coming of tertiary institutions has made more people enlightened. It has come to a point where the community decides the school. Most of the decision taken from school is seen as an informed decision.

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Education has transformed the educational life of the Okpokwu people. The criteria for admission for indigene are not as tedious as that for none indigene. Most times preferential treatment is given to students from the community to enable them to have basic attention.

They organize a competition to enable students to compete with their mates. Students are given the privilege to test their standards with other neighboring schools. The process also makes the students happy and want to go to school.

Employment Opportunities

Education has created employment opportunities for the great people of Ugbokolo. It paved way for the people to be employed in both federal and state government work. The community can now boost people working in different parastatals.

Since the creation of the local government, people look greener pastures with just primary school results. But since the coming of the higher institution, many graduates have emerged and worked very well. Some of them have gone to give back to society.

The establishment of the school has also created employment opportunities for the community. The school employs youth to become either a teacher or administrative staff. Most of the youth graduates from the school and they are retained to teach in the school.

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Education has taken thousands of youth from the street. The youth has found a life to leave and are doing well. Even up till now, the youth are working hard in school so that when they graduate they join their mates in the labor market.

 Now the attention has been shifted from agriculture. Now more areas are explored to reduce the dependency on agriculture.  

Infrastructural Development

Education has opened doors for infrastructure in Ugbokolo. Because of the location of the higher institution the community has attracted development. The location of the school has transformed the area in terms of infrastructure.

The construction of the road by the state government was the result of schools in the community. Rural electrification of Ugbokolo was the result of the school located in the area. If you visit a major town of the community the area has been transformed.

In addition to the rural electrification, the government has also provided good water for the community. Unlike before the community suffered for water. The inhabitant of the community trek very far to look for water before the provision of the water.

The development of the community is not complete without education. The school also has its social responsibility to the community. They construct stores for traders and also construct drainages against flood.

The importance of education in infrastructural development cannot be overlooked. The economic life and social life of the community have increased. People now leave comfortably in the community and ma ake good living for themselves.

Reduction in Cultism and Social Vices

The reduction of cultism is one of the 7 ways education has transformed Ugbokolo. With the coming of education, people are enlightened and most of the social violence is stopped. Through the teaching both in the classroom and in orientation, it has created awareness.

The negative impact of cultism taught in school discourage the youth from indulging in the act. Students are disciplined in school so much that they cannot join cults. Cultism is one thing eating deep into our youth.

The coming of education in Ugbokolo shaped the life of the youth. Other vices like prostitution and thuggery have been reduced. The youths are just engaged in the classroom and they are not allowed how to join a cult.

Some of the schools monitor the activities of the pupils from childhood till they grow. From secondary most school in the area has boarding facilities. Some of the students don’t have free access to the wider society before they are adulterated.

Good Leadership

Good leadership experienced in ugbokolo is a result of education. Those at the helm of government have the requisite knowledge and make an informed decisions. The critical truth is that before you have an elective position in Ugbokolo you must possess results.

In addition, the government of Nigeria has a good fate in the educational system. The reason for the transformation of the local government is because of the literate ruling. The ruling class also makes the legislation in Ugbokolo.

Education has given most people the ability to read and write. The passage of the law is better done if one is educated. The orderliness enjoyed in the ugbokolo legislative council is a result of the educated elite ruling.

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Innovation and Scholarship

Innovation and scholarship are one of the 7 ways education transformed Ugbokolo. Time without numbers students embarks on scholarship. The school sponsor some of the indigene for scholarship abroad. The scholarship aims to get new ideas and innovation.

Innovation in terms of improved knowledge of new machines and equipment. Some of the machines used in ugbokolo are produced by the student. Some are sent for skills acquisition. Most of the students sent for skill acquisition are doing perfectly well.

The talking point is those sent on scholarship abroad. Some came back fully loaded and impacted more on the community. After the full course of study, those in the medical line were able to handle serious cases of illness.

The scholarship also makes the indigene of Ugbokolo explore the outside world. The cost of the fee is also borne by the school and that has reduced expenses on the parents. Improved varieties of agricultural products are boiled than to education.

Good Family Planning

Good family planning is among the 7 ways education has transformed Ugbokolo. Before the coming of education, the village people were given birth anyhow. Don’t have any idea about the welfare of the child. Some children were left on the street roaming.

The educational system came and shaped the mentality. Those who are educated make sure they give quality education to their children. Most of the children removed from the street are doing very well now in the community.

Through education, unwanted pregnancy is controlled. Educative programs through radio stations contributed immensely to the reduction of unwanted pregnancies. Now in ugbokolo, an average home can cater perfectly to their children.

This article has carefully talked about the ways education has transformed Ugbokolo Benue state. It is no doubt for any society to stand firm there must be good educational standards. That is the reason for the development in Ugbokolo.

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1 comment

Soloinformer May 3, 2022 - 11:05 pm

good one


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